紹介論文一覧 (1995年)
外山・酒井研輪講 紹介論文一覧 (1995年)
- 11/21(火) 紹介者: 高島
Chilukuli K.Mohan
Priority Rewriting: Semantics, Confluence, and Conditionals
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 355, pp.278-291, 1989.
- 11/14(火) 紹介者: 井上
J.Gallier,P.Narendran,D.Plaisted and W.Snyder
Rigid E-Unification: NP-Completeness
and Application to Equational Matings,
Infomation and Computation 87, pp.129-195, 1990.
- 11/7(火) 紹介者: 草刈
Vincent van Oostrom
Developing Developments,
unpublished report, 1995.8.21.
- 10/26(木) 紹介者: 中野
Leo Bachmair & David A. Plaisted,
Termiination Orderings for Associative-Commutative Rewiting Systems,
Jounal of Symbolic Computation 1, pp.329-349, 1985.
- 10/20(金) 紹介者: 岩見
Term Ordering With Status,
SEKI Report SR-88-12,Artificial Intelligence Laboratories,
Dept. of Computer Science,Univ. of Kaiserslautern, 1988.
- 7/13(木) 紹介者: 外山
Ordering for term rewriting system,
Theoritical computer Science 17 pp.279-301, 1982.
- 7/7(金) 紹介者: 長谷
Hubert Comon,
Sequentiality, Second Order Monadic Logic and Tree Automata,
unpublished report, May 1995.
- 6/30(金) 紹介者: 佐藤
Krzysztof R. Apt & Dino Pedreschi,
Reasoning about Termination of Pure Prolog Programs,
Information and Computation 106, pp.109-157, 1993.
- 6/23(金) 紹介者: 関
Robert I. Strandh,
Classes of Equational Programs
that Compile into Efficient Machine Code,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 355, pp.449-461, 1989.
- 6/9(金) 紹介者: 中野
Joachim Steinbach,
Improving associative path ordeerings,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 449, pp.411-425, 1990.
- 6/1(木) 紹介者: 岩見
Olav Lysne and Javier Piris,
A Termination Ordering for Higher Order Rewrite Systems,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Rewriting
Techniques and Applications (RTA'95), Kaiserslautern,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 914, pp.26-40, 1995.
- 5/23(火) 紹介者: 草刈
Stephane Kaplan,
Simplifying Conditional Term Rewriting Systems:
Unification, Termination and Confluence,
Journal of Symbolic Computation 4, pp.295-334, 1987.
- 5/16(火) 紹介者: 井上
Wolfgang Bible,
On matrices with Connections,
Journal of ACM 28(4), pp.633-645, 1981.
- 5/9(火) 紹介者: 高島
J.C.M.Baeten, J.A.Bergstra, J.W.Klop,
Term Rewriting Systems with Priorities,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 256, pp.83-94.
- 4/18(火) 紹介者: 佐藤
Melvin Fitting,
Tableaux for Logic Programming,
Journal of Automated Reasoning 13, pp.175-188, 1994.
- 4/14(金) 紹介者: 長谷
Decidability of second-order theories and automata on infinite trees,
Trans.Amer.Math.Soc.141, pp.1-35, 1969.
- 3/27(月) 紹介者: 関
Michio Oyamaguchi,
The Church-Rosser Property
for Ground Term-Rewriting systems is decidable,
Theoretical Computer Science 49, pp.43-79, 1987.
- 3/17(金) 紹介者: 中野
Termination of term rewriting: interpretation and type elimination,
Journal of Symbolic Computation 17, pp.23-50, 1994.
- 3/10(金) 紹介者: 岩見
Hans-Jurgen Burckert, Alexander Herold, Manfred Schmidt-Schauss,
On Equational Theories, Unification, and (Un)Decidability,
Journal of Symbolic Computation 8, pp.3-49, 1989.
- 3/3(金) 紹介者: 草刈
Evelyne Contejean,
Solving *-problims modulo Distributivity
by a Reduction to AC1-unification,
Journal of Symbolic Computation 16, pp.493-521, 1993.
- 2/23(木) 紹介者: 井上
Hubert Comon, Marianne Haberstrau, and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud,
Syntacticness, Cycle-Syntacticness, and Shallow Theories,
Infomation and Computation 111(1), pp.154-191, 1994.
- 2/8,15(水) 紹介者: 高島
Leo Bachmair and Nachum Dershowitz,
Equational Inference, Canonical Proofs,and Proof Orderings,
Journal of ACM 41(2), pp.236-276, 1994.