紹介論文一覧 (1994年)
外山・酒井研輪講 紹介論文一覧 (1994年)
- 10/26(水) 紹介者: 北原
R.S.Boyer and J.S.Moore,
Proving Theorems About LISP Functions,
Journal of ACM 27, pp.129-144, 1975.
- 10/18(火) 紹介者: 高橋
Constructive proofs of the range property in lambda calculus,
Theoretical Computer Science 121, pp.59-69, 1993.
- 10/3(月) 紹介者: z-鈴木
Aart Middledrop and Erik Hamoen,
Counterexamples to Completeness Result for Basic Narrowing,
#LNCS-632(p244-258)にこの論文のextended abstractがあります.
- 9/28(水) 紹介者: 長谷
J.-P. Jouannaud and W. Sadfi,
Strong Sequentiality of Left-linear Overlapping Rewrite Systems,
In Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, Jerusalem, 1994.
- 9/13(木) 紹介者: 川連
W. Snyder and J.Gallier,
Higher-order unification revised: Complete sets of transformations,
Journal of symbolic Computation, pp.101-140, 1989.
- 7/29(金) 紹介者: 北原
M.Fernfandez and Jean-Pierr Jouannaund,
Modularity Properties of Term Rewriting Systems Revisited,
Tech.Report, CNRS et Universite de Paris Sud, 1994.
- 7/22(金) 紹介者: 高橋
J.A.Bergstra and J.W.Klop,
Conditional Rewrite Rules: Confluence and Termination,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 32, pp.323-362, 1986.
- 7/6(水) 紹介者: 白須
Yves Lafont and Alain Proute
Church-Rosser Property and Homology of Monoids,
Math. Struct. in Comp. Science 1, pp.297-326, 1991.
- 7/1(金) 紹介者: 川連
Tobius Nipkow,
Orthogonal higher-order rewrite systems are confluent,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 664, pp.306-317, 1993.
- 6/17(金) 紹介者: z-鈴木
Akihiro Yamanoto,
Completeness of Extended Unification Based on Basic Narrowing,
Proceedings of the logic programming conference 1988.
- 6/10(金) 紹介者: 長谷
G. Huet and J.-J. Levy,
Computations in Orthogonal Rewriting Systems I,
Computational Logic, Essays in Honor of Alan Robinson
(eds. J.-L.Lassez, G.Plotkin), MIT Press, pp.396-443, 1991.
- 6/2(木) 紹介者: 北原
M.Kurihara and A.Ohuchi,
Modularity of simple termination of term rewriting systems
with shared constructors,
Theoretical Computer Science 103, pp.273-282, 1992.
- 5/27(金) 紹介者: 高橋
A Completion Procedure for Conditional Equations,
Journal of Symbolic Computation 11, pp.51-81, 1991.
- 5/20(金) 紹介者: 川連
Vincent van Oostrom,
Confluence for Abstract and Higher-Order Rewriting,
PHD thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, March 1994.
- 3/31(木) 紹介者:z-鈴木
Werner Nutt, Pierre Rety and Gert Smolka,
Basic Narrowing Revisited
Journal of Symbolic Computation 7, pp.295-317, 1989.
- 3/25(金) 紹介者: 長谷
J.W. Klop and A. Middeldorp,
Sequentiality in Orthogonal Term Rewriting Systems,
Journal of Symbolic Computation 12, pp.161-195, 1991.
- 3/23(水) 紹介者: 酒井
酒井正彦, 坂部俊樹, 稲垣康善,
抽象データ型の代数的仕様の直接実現系 Cdimple,
コンピュータソフトウェア 4(4), pp.16-27, 1987.
- 3/16(水) 紹介者: 北原
Confluent Reductions : Abstract Properties and Applications
to Term Rewriting Systems,
Journal of ACM 27, pp.797-821, 1980.
- 3/12(土) 紹介者: 高橋
J.W.Klop, A.Middeldorp,
An Introduction to Knuth-Bendix Completion,
CWI Quarterly 1(3), pp.31-52, 1988.
- 3/4(金) 紹介者: 川連
Yoshihito Toyama,
How to prove equivalence of term rewriting systems without induction,
Theoretical Computer Science 90, pp.369-390, 1991.
- 1/18(火) 紹介者: 外山
Orderings for Term-Rewriting Systems,
Theoretical Computer Science 17, pp.279-301, 1982.