紹介論文一覧 (2014年度)
外山研輪講 紹介論文一覧 (2014年度)
12月3日(水) 紹介者: 神野祐磨
Adel Bouhoula,
Simultaneous Checking of Completeness and Ground Confluence for Algebraic Specification,
ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 10(3) (2009) 20:1-20:33
12月3日(水) 紹介者: 小野沢倖太
Richard Mayr and Tobias Nipkow,
Higher-Order Rewrite Systems and their Confluence,
Theoretical Computer Science, 192 (1998) 3-29
10月29日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木貴樹
Jesu's Domi'nguez and Maribel Ferna'ndez,
Relating Nominal and Higher-Order Rewriting,
In Proceedings of 39th International Symposium on
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2014),
LNCS 8634, pp. 244-255, 2014.
10月15日(水) 紹介者: 佐藤洸一
Olivier Danvy and Lasse R. Nielsen,
Defunctionalization at work,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP’01), pp. 162-174, 2001.
6月25日(水),7月2日(水) 紹介者: 島貫健太郎
Takashi Nagaya and Yoshihito Toyama,
Decidability for Left-Linear Growing Term Rewriting Systems,
Information and Computation, vol.178, pp.499-514, 2002.
6月18日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木貴樹
Randy Pollack, Masahiko Sato and Wilmer Ricciotti,
A canonical locally named representation of binding,
Journal of Automated Reasoning, Volume 49, Issue 2, pp. 185-207, 2012.
6月11日(水) 紹介者: 佐藤洸一
Armin Kuehnemann , Robert Glueck , and Kazuhiko Kakehi,
Relating Accumulative and Non-accumulative Functional Programs,
LNCS, Vol. 2051, pp. 154 168, 2001.
6月4日(水) 紹介者: 島貫健太郎
Toshinori Takai, Yuichi Kaji and Hiroyuki Seki,
Right-linear finite-path overlapping term rewriting systems effectively
preserve recognizability,
Scienticae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp.127-153, 2010.
5月21日(水),5月28日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木貴樹
Murdoch J. Gabbay,
Meta-variables as infinite lists in nominal terms unification and rewriting,
Logic Journal of IGPL, Volume 20 Issue 6, pp.967-1000, 2012.
5月14日(水) 紹介者: 佐藤洸一
Philip Wadler,
Deforestation: Transforming programs to eliminate trees,
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol 73, pp.231-248, 1990.
4月23日(水) 紹介者: 島貫健太郎
Bertram Felgenhauer, Rene Thiemann,
Reachablity Analysis with State-Compatible Automata,
LATA 2014, LNCS 8370, pp. 347-359, 2014