紹介論文一覧 (2010年度)
外山研輪講 紹介論文一覧 (2010年度)
3月2日(水) 紹介者: 的場正樹
Jan Willem Klopa, Aart Middeldorp, Yoshihito Toyama and Roel de Vrijer,
Modularity of confluence: A simplified proof,
Information Processing Letters, Vol.49, pp.101-109, 1994.
2月28日(月) 紹介者: 鈴木聖耶
Thierry Boy de la Tour and Mnacho Echenim,
Permutative rewriting and unification,
Information and Computation, vol.205, pp.624-650, 2007.
2月23日 (水) 紹介者: 鈴木翼
M.Alpuente, M.Comini, S.Escbar, M.Falaschi and J.Iborra,
A Compact fixpoint semantics for term rewriting systems,
Theoretical Computer Science, vol.411, pp.3348-3371, 2010.
12月22日(水) 紹介者: 椛澤涼
Uday S. Reddy,
Term Rewriting Induction,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 449, pp. 162-177, 1990.
12月22日(水) 紹介者: 高橋翔大
Thomas Arts and Jurgen Giesl,
Termination of term rewriting using dependency pairs,
Theoretical Computer Sience, vol. 236, pp.133-178, 2000.
12月15日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木聖耶
Christian Urban, Andrew M. Pitts and Murdoch J. Gabbay,
Nominal unification,
Theoretical Computer Science, vol.323, pp.473-497, 2004.
12月8日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木翼
Felix Schernhammer and Bernhard Gramlich,
Termination of Lazy Rewriting Revisited,
Electoronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol.204,
pp.35-51, 2008.
11月24日(水) 紹介者: 村井正勝
Toshinori Takai, Yuichi Kaji and Hiroyuki Seki,
Right-linear finite path overlapping rewrite systems
effectively preserve recognizability,
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp.127-153 (March 2010)
11月17日(水) 紹介者: 磯部耕己
Jean-Yves Marion and Romain Pechoux,
Characterizations of Polynomial Complexity Classes
with a Better Intensionality,
PPDP'08, pp.79-88, 2008 ACM.
10月27日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木貴志
Nachum Dershowitz and E.Castedo Ellerman,
Leanest quasi-orderings,
Information and Computation Vol.205, Issue 4,
pp 535-556, 2007.
10月6日(水) 紹介者: 的場正樹
Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, Cesare Tinelli,
Solving SAT and SAT Modulo Theories: From an Abstract
Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland Procedure to DPLL(T),
Journal of ACM, Vol.53, No.6,
pp 937-977, 2006.
9月8日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木聖耶
Adria Gascon, Guilem Godoy, Manfred Schmidt-Schauss and Ashish Tiwari,
Context unification with one context variable,
Journal of Symbolic Computation 45, pp 173-193, 2010.
7月14日(水) 紹介者: 的場正樹
Ben A Sijtsma,
On the Productivity of Recursive List Definitions,
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol.11, No.4, 1989, p633-649.
6月30日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木翼
Jurgen Giesl, Armin Kuhenemann and Janis Voigtlander,
Deaccumulation techniques for improving provability,
Journal of Logic and Argebraic Programming 71, pp 79-113, 2007.
6月16日(水) 紹介者: 村井正勝
Adria Gascon, Guillem Godoy and Florent Jacquemard,
Closure of Tree Automata Languages under Innermost Rewriting,
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 237, 2009, pp 23-38.
6月2日(水) 紹介者: 磯部耕己
Georg Moser, Andreas Schnabl and Johannes Waldmann,
Complexity Analysis of Term Rewriting Based on Matrix and Context Dependent Interpretations,
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Schience, 2008, pp 304-315.
5月19日(水) 紹介者: 鈴木貴志
Alfons Geser, Dieter Hofbauer, Johannes Waldmann, Hans Zantema,
On tree automata that certify termination of left-linear term rewriting systems,
Information and Computation Volume 205, 2007, Pages 512-534.