紹介論文一覧 (2006年度)
外山研輪講 紹介論文一覧 (2006年度)
2月22日(木) 紹介者: 青戸
Sorin Stratulat,
A general framework to build contextual cover set induction
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.32, pp.403-445, 2001.
2月14日(水) 紹介者: 千葉
Hantao Zhang and Jean-Luc Remy,
Contextual rewriting,
In Proc. of the first international conference on
Rewriting techniques and applications,
LNCS, Vol 202, pp. 46-62, 1985.
2月1日(木) 紹介者: 嶌津
Muffy Thomas and Phil Watson,
Solving divergence in Knuth-Bendix completion by enriching
Theoretical Computer Science 112, pp.145-185, 1993.
1月11日(木) 紹介者: 吉田
Yoshihito Toyama,
Commutativity of Term Rewriting Systems,
In: K. Fuchi and L. Kott, eds.,
Programming of Future Generation Computer II (North-Holland),
pp. 393-407. 1988
1月11日(木) 紹介者: 五十嵐
佐藤 晴彦,栗原 正仁,
信学会論文誌 J89-D, No.4 pp. 624-631, 2006.
11月16日(木) 紹介者: 徳橋
Yohan Boichut and Thomas Genet,
Feasible Trace Reconstruction for Rewriting Approximations,
In Proceedings of International Conference on Rewriting
Techniques and Applications (RTA 2006), LNCS 4098, pp. 123-135, 2006.
10月19日(木) 紹介者: 瀬古
Niklas Een and Niklas Sorensson,
An Extetensible SAT-solver,
In E.Giunchiglia and A. Tacchella, editors,
Theory and Applications, LNCS 2919, pp. 502-518, 2004.
10月12日(木) 紹介者: 千葉
Michael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon and Peter Stuckey,
Solving Partial Order Constraints for LPO Termination,
In Proceedings of International Conference on Rewriting
Techniques and Applications (RTA 2006), LNCS 4098, pp. 4-18, 2006.
10月5日(木) 紹介者: 菊池
Steffen van Bakel and Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini,
Characterising Strong Normalisation for Explicit Substitutions,
In Proceedings of LATIN 2002, LNCS 2286, pp.356-370, 2002.
9月21日(木) 紹介者: 嶌津
Pascal Urso, Emmanuel Kounalis,
Sound generalizations in mathematical induction,
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.323, pp.443-471, 2004.
7月27日(木) 紹介者: 外山
Toshinori Takai, Yuichi Kaji and Hiroyuki Seki,
Right-linear finite-path overlapping term rewriting systems
effectively preserve recognizability,
Scienticae Mathematicae Japonicae (to appear).
6月29日(木),7月6日(木) 紹介者: 千葉
Guillem Godoy and Ashish Tiwari,
Termination of Rewrite Systems with Shallow Right-Linear,
Collapsing, and Right-Ground Rules,
In Proc. of the CADE 2005, LNCS 3632, pp. 164-176, 2005.
6月22日(木) 紹介者: 青戸
G. Feuillade, T. Genet, V.Viet Triem Tong,
Reachability Analysis over Term Rewriting Systems,
Journal of Automated Reasoning, Vol.33(3-4),
pp.341-383, 2004.
6月8日(木),15日(木) 紹介者: 瀬古
Roel Bloo, Herman Geuvers,
Explicit substitution
On the edge of strong normalization,
Theorical Computer Science 211,
pp.375-395, 1999
5月18日(木),25日(木) 紹介者: 嶌津
Guillem Godoy, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Ashish Tiwari,
Classes of term rewrite systems
with polynomial confluence problems,
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic Vol.5(2),
pp.321-331, 2004.
4月27日(木) 紹介者: 徳橋
Frederic Oehl, Gerard Cece, Olga Kouchnarenko, David Sinclair,
Automatic Approximation for the Verification of Cryptographic
FASec 2002, LNCS 2629, pp.33-48, 2003.
4月20日(木) 紹介者: 平田
Arnold Beckmann,
Exact bounds for lengths of reductions in typed λ-calculus,
The Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3): 1277-1285, 2001.