紹介論文一覧 (2004年度)
外山研輪講 紹介論文一覧 (2004年度)
2/23(水), 3/2(水) 紹介者: 駒木
Hubert Comon,
Completion of Rewrite Systems with Membership Constraints,
Part I: Deduction Rules,
J. Symbolic Computation. 25(4): 397-419 (1998).
1/26(水), 2/2(水) 紹介者: 後藤
Efficiently Computing Static Single Assignment Form and the Control Dependence Graph,
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol.13, No.4,
October,1991,Pages 451-490.
12/8(水) 紹介者: 徳橋
T.Genet, F.Klay.
Rewriting for cryptographic protocol verification.
In Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Automated Deduction,
LNAI 1831, Springer-Verlag, pp.271-290, 2000.
12/8(水) 紹介者: 小滝
Towards an automated tupling strategy.
In Proceedings of 3rd ACM Symposium on Partial Evaluation and
Semantic-Based Program Manipulation, ACM Press, pp.119-132, 1993.
12/8(水) 紹介者: 瀬古
T.Arts, J.Giesl.
Termination of term rewriting using dependency pairs.
Theoretical Computer Science 236(1-2), pp.133-178, 2000.
12/1(水) 紹介者: 青戸
G. Huet and J.-J.L{\'e}vy.
Computations in orthogonal term rewriting systems, I.
In Computational Logic, Essays in Honour of J. Alan Robinson,
pages 395-414. The MIT Press, 1992.
11/10(水), 11/17(水) 紹介者: 駒木
Leo Bachmair and Nachum Dershowitz,
Equational Inference, Canonical Proofs,and Proof Orderings,
Journal of ACM 41(2), pp.236-276, 1994.
10/27(水) 紹介者: 外山
G. D. Plotkin,
Call-by-name, call-by-value and the lambda-calculus,
Theoretical Computer Science, 1(2):125-159, December 1975.
10/20(水) 紹介者:菊池
Silvio Valentini,
An Elementary Proof of Strong Normalization for Intersection Types,
Archive for Mathematical Logic, Vol.40, No.7, pp.475-488, 2001.
9/22(水), 7/30(木), 10/6(水), 10/13(水) 紹介者: 後藤
Atsushi Ohori,
A Polymorphic Record Calculus and Its Compilation,
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
vol 17, no 6, pages 844-895, 1995.
6/30(水), 7/6(水), 7/14(水), 7/28(水) 紹介者: 千葉
A. Compagnoni,
Higher-order subtyping and its decidability,
Information and Computation 191 (2004) 41-103.
6/23(水) 紹介者: 落合
J. Giesl, R. Thiemann, P. Schneider-Kamp, and S. Falke,
Improving Dependency Pairs,
Thechnical Report AIB-2003-4, RWTH Aachen, May, 2003.
6/16(水) 紹介者: 坂本
A. Bundy, A. Stevens, F. van Harmelen, A. Ireland, and A. Smaill,
Rippling: a heuristic for guiding inductive proofs,
Artificial Intelligence 62, pp.185-253, 1993.
5/26(水) 紹介者: 駒木
Rolf Hennicker,
Context Induction: A Proof Principle for
Behavioural Abstractions and Algebraic Implementations,
Formal Aspects of Computing 3(4):326-345,1991.
5/12(水) 紹介者: 青戸
T.Aoto, T.Yamada and Y.Toyama,
Inductive theorems for higher-order rewriting,
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Rewriting
Techniques and Applications (RTA 2004), Aachen, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3091, Springer-Verlag,
pp.269-284, 2004.
4/14(水) 紹介者: 外山
Termination of S-expression rewriting systems:
Lexicographic path ordering for higher-order terms,
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Rewriting
Techniques and Applications (RTA 2004), Aachen, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3091, Springer-Verlag,
pp.40-54, 2004.